Turn to us. We Can Help.
Turn to us. We Can Help.
We are pleased to offer the following services under the PFDS/Consolidated Waiver program in Pennsylvania.
We are pleased to offer the following services under the Adult Autism Waiver in Pennsylvania.
We are pleased to offer in-home and remote music therapy services under the Department of Human Services (DHS) Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) PFDS/Community/Consolidated waivers in Pennsylvania. Some individuals may be able to obtain an authorization to use their funds toward music therapy services.
We offer a variety of behavior support services. Our team includes psychotherapists, behavior support specialists who are cross-training as creative arts therapists, and behavior support technicians who hold advanced training in serving individuals who are dually diagnosed with mental health conditions.
At Spectra Support Services, LLC we follow the person-centered guidelines outlined in Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Office of Developmental Programs' Everyday Lives: A Framework for ISP Planning. These values assure that individuals meet their potential and that their passion for creating "everyday lives" becomes a reality.
We clarify responsibilities of everyone who has a role in support the person including the individual, family, friends, and other paid and non-paid people.
Choice and Control:
We recognize that the person has the power to make, influence and direct informed decisions in all aspects of his/her life.
We recognize that the person experiences and has opportunities to benefit from communication and cooperation among people and entities involved in planning with and supporting the person, particularly during times of transition.
Community Inclusion and Contributing to the Community:
We work toward connecting the individual to the community (to be part of, not just in the community) and seek supports that allow the person to contribute to the community in ways that he/she values and chooses.
We respect and support for the person’s liberty and rights by promoting the individual’s expressed desire(s) to associate with people of their choosing, determine the course of one’s life and negotiate risk without being stigmatized or under another’s control.
We respect and support the characteristics, qualities, interests and hopes/dreams that make the person a unique individual.
We seek opportunities to promote relationships and experiences in which individuals, families, friends, neighbors, professionals and others gain and share knowledge, support and guidance. Mentoring helps people learn from each other, identify and resolve problems and achieve greater know-how and self-confidence.
We develop outcomes to be achieved and reflect what is important to the person within the context of his/her everyday life.
We support the person’s current personal relationships and those that he/she would like to develop (including family, friends, partners, community connections, etc.).
We assist in developing supports that ensure the person’s safety and health in balance with the person’s dignity of risk.
Whenever possible/applicable, we incorporate the individual’s input and support, agreement, approval or permission.
An ultimate goal is to facilitate the ability for the person to experience success in his/her life. Success means different things to different people and it is important that the experience of success and its acknowledgement is specific to the individual’s personality and preferences. Success recognizes accomplishments (e.g. learning a friend’s phone number, making a cup of coffee) and life events (e.g. living independently, getting a job, financial well-being).
Spectra Support Services, LLC
390 Reed Road, FL 1
Broomall, PA 19008-4008
p: 484-450-6476
f: 484-224-3398